Welcome to one would-be online home. Public journal. Rant space. Life in words.
I’m Andrei Stefan, at the time of writing 33 years old. White male. Husband of one. Father of one, soon to be two. Living in the beautiful land of Romania. Aspiring, struggling, developing: entrepreneur, writer, corporate middle-manager, book lover, addicted gamer, casual philosopher, left-handed handyman, XR enthusiast.

I’ve been trying to journal consistently for the last 7 years, with varied success. It has been a completely private experience and bar certain passages, no one has read my thoughts on paper. Now, wanting to get a little better at writing, I’ve decided to take some of my musings and experiences public. I also figured some of the things I’ve struggled with or had some success at are worth sharing beyond a small circle of close friends and relatives.
There’s pressure here to putting thoughts under scrutiny. Also, there is the responsibility to blurt something out every week, which is my aim. I’ll keep everything nice and short and hope to put in a few hours of my time for 5-min of yours. It’s my sincere hope that we’ll both stick around for this.
Thanks for reading.